Uniquely Tahoe
There is currently an opportunity for Nevada lakefront homeowners to participate in the Tahoe yellow cress Stewardship Project. The Stewardship Project, established in 2010, has provided numerous lakefront homeowners with information and recommendations on plant protection. It has also hosted volunteer events, where participants had the opportunity to take part in Tahoe yellow cress restoration projects.
Join us in protecting this unique piece of Tahoe! Contact Dana Olson at 775-586-1610 ex. 25 or dolson@ntcd.org to participate in this stewardship opportunity. As part of the project, a District staff member will meet with you on your lakefront property to help you better understand, identify, and protect Tahoe yellow cress. During this meeting, we will determine if you have Tahoe yellow cress or yellow cress habitat. If you are lucky enough to have the plant, we can provide a detailed plan on how to keep it thriving. If there is not Tahoe yellow cress currently growing on your property, we will explain how to hopefully attract future populations. While at your property, NTCD staff can also provide general information on how to create a native landscape and how to avoid unwanted invasive plant species.
Participation in this Program is entirely voluntary, non-regulatory, and confidential, thus the Project is completely stewardship based. All suggestions provided by NTCD can be implemented at your own discretion.
Tahoe Yellow cress populations have been present at beach reaches in the past at the Washoe Tribe’s Skunk Harbor. To encourage this endangered species, the Washoe Tribes Environmental Protection Department and 15 members from the Hung-A –Lel-Ti Community (Washoe Woodfords Community), in cooperation with the Nevada Tahoe Conservation District, planted 75 Tahoe Yellow cress plants at Skunk Harbor. They were installed at the creek mouth on the parcel.
So Next time you are at Skunk Harbor enjoying a beautiful sunset, make sure to check out the new planting!